четверг, 13 февраля 2025 г.



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DeekSeek AI Summary: The document titled "WHAT IS 'THOUGHT' – THE HIGHER POWERS OF THE UNIVERSE ANSWER contactee Marina Makeeva" is a transcript of a spiritual communication between Marina Makeeva, a contactee, and various higher powers or systems of the universe. The central theme of the document is the exploration of the nature of thought, its role in creating reality, and its connection to spiritual and physical healing.
Key Points from the Document:
Definition of Thought:
Thought is described as an impulse that creates reality. Each individual has their own reality, which may or may not intersect with others' realities.
Thought is a formed particle that implements what we call "I think." It can create spaces, receive information, and encourage actions.
Thoughts can help or upset a person, depending on their nature.
Levels of Thought Formation:
First Level: Thoughts formed in the conscious mind.
Second Level: Thoughts originating from the subconscious or unconscious.
Third Level: Thoughts perceived through frequency resonance from other entities in the superconscious.
Thoughts as Frequency:
Thoughts are described as frequency flows that are emitted and refracted through an individual's internal prism of perception.
Different thoughts have different frequencies, which can be measured in hertz. Low-frequency thoughts are associated with negative emotions like fear, hatred, and anger, while high-frequency thoughts are linked to joy and happiness.
Thoughts and Healing:
Thoughts can be used for healing both the physical body and the subtle bodies (emotional, mental, etc.).
The Teacher System and Healing System of the universe emphasize the importance of understanding how to work with thoughts to achieve healing and balance.
Thoughts and Reality Creation:
Thoughts are a tool for creating reality. The document suggests that individuals create their own reality through their thoughts, but this process is also guided by the will of the Prime Creator.
The Aspect of the Prime Creator explains that thoughts are energy of creation, which can manifest as both waves and particles depending on the level of refraction.
Thoughts and Karma:
The Karmic Guardians describe thought as an active creative force that can create or neutralize karma. Thoughts are tools for spiritual growth and can influence future lives.
Divine Connection:
The document emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's Divine Part or Higher Self, which guides individuals through their thoughts and actions.
By aligning with the frequency of Love, individuals can transform their reality and experience clarity in their thoughts


Contactee of the Teacher, Healer and other systems of the Universe MARINA MAKEEVA:

I greet the respected “Forces” and ask you to answer the question: what is thought?

Welcome, our Angel. The Teacher System is on the line.

Let's see what a thought is. A thought is an impulse that creates reality. A reality that is different for everyone, but may or may not intersect with another's reality.

A thought is a formed particle that implements what you call “I think”. With a thought you can create the spaces you need. Through thoughts you receive information, and thoughts encourage a certain action.

Thoughts can help a person, or they can upset and throw him off emotional balance. A thought is formed at the level of your superconscious, although this is not entirely correct. As you know, there are three levels of thought formation: the first level of thoughts are those that are formed in your head, the second level of thoughts are those thoughts that come from the subconscious or unconscious, and the third is the level of thoughts that you perceive through the frequency resonance of space from other entities of the superconscious, as we said earlier.

Thoughts are a frequency flow created in a certain way, which you emit, refracting it through your internal prism of perception. And now you are also going through this process of acceptance, refraction, and these thoughts that you have - they are now being put into the information that will be read. It is interesting that often a person cannot stop his thoughts, and without special preparatory and training actions it is difficult for him to stop his thoughts at all.

Why? Because a person creates impulses of different frequencies, but creates unconsciously, without understanding what he is doing. It is, one might say, an automatic function – like breathing. Through creation by thought, healing of the physical body can occur, as well as the subtle bodies. However, we, the Teacher System, still, moment by moment, teach everyone who turns to us, who listens to us consciously or unconsciously in understanding how to work with this thought, with this set of formed particles of a certain frequency series.

The frequency series can vibrate at different frequencies in hertz. You have low-frequency thoughts, and they can also be measured in hertz. Since emotions can be correlated with the mental field - thoughts - then this is any fear, hatred, anger, and so on. There is also a middle level - when you just think about something without including emotions (since emotions give a strong vibration), and finally, there is a high level - when you experience joy, happiness and think about it. However, all of the above frequency series go far beyond the measurements available to you with traditional physical devices. At the same time, the frequency of a sound wave is also measured in hertz or kilohertz. Thus, we can say that different thoughts "sound" differently - depending on the level of their vibrations, even if you do not perceive this sound due to the inaccessibility of its range. But it is important for you to realize that sound, sound vibrations, in turn, are part of the light spectrum. Based on this, different thoughts manifest completely different light spectra. In the case when your thought is clothed in sound through your speech, it manifests a very specific light spectrum - but now in your material world. You know it as the colors of the rainbow.

Thoughts, to put it another way, are a stream of particles that are arranged in a vortex mode, forming certain information. It is superimposed on your subtle bodies, and then absorbed by the physical body. There is a real "ocean" of thoughts that envelop you. But you snatch from this space or stream only those that resonate with you at a given time. At any moment, your thought touches some place in your structure - both subtle and dense bodies. Of course, a person often does not feel subtle bodies - he feels only the physical body, but the physical body can always tell you what level the thought was, whether it is your thought or not, and this means that by showing awareness, showing an internal attitude to accept this thought, you can realize the reasons for "giving this thought out". Of course, the conscious attitude also includes the analysis of information and the understanding of whether a given thought corresponds to your personality or not.

Here, in short, is the answer.

Welcome, this is the Healing System.

Since we are the Healing System in touch, it is already clear that for us, thought is what leads to integrity, which is the basis of healing at any level. In this case, let's talk about healers on planet Earth who are engaged in healing both physical health and spiritual health, including its different types - emotional, mental, and so on.

Let's start with what thought is from our point of view.

A thought is a vibration emitted by human consciousness. Vibrations have completely different qualities, they can have different density, different information content. And even different speed.

Thoughts are vibrations that excite vibrational waves of space. A thought is like ultrasound, which a person cannot hear, but a thought is also a sound, a sound is a vibration, and a vibration is always one or another sound. When a person emits a thought, it, first of all, “gives” a vibration to the body, it is felt in the body. A person may not feel it in his consciousness, but subconsciously he definitely feels it! Subtle bodies feel, human cells feel. And we can say that any thought, even the smallest one, necessarily generates a vibration. Our body begins to move according to this vibration. That is, the cells are in tune with this sound, with this vibration. Regardless of whether we are aware of it, we are in tune with a certain vibration of sound that fills the space, we vibrate with this space. A person begins to “sound” at a certain frequency. You sometimes come across this expression: the more a person is aware, the more he himself understands what awareness is.

Awareness – also means that the better a person is aware of his thoughts, the more importance he attaches to what he thinks about. And when a person is aware and, for example, radiates love, then he hears this sound in this range. It is in tune with love!

If a person is in tune with negative energy and, therefore, negative thoughts prevail in him, then it will be difficult for him to recognize this love. He will still accept these energies of love at some level, but he will not be able to recognize and decipher it in his understanding, because everything will be according to the frequency at which he is currently vibrating. Thus, a person makes mistakes in deciphering and as a result, diseases are often formed, which are formed in this way.

On a subtle level, you give consent to receive vibrations that come and go into your subtle and physical bodies. Sometimes your human ego controls this process, that is, the structure of the human ego is tuned, and it has its own internal energy system. Then, according to this emerging energy system of the ego, precisely through its "prism", a person perceives and resonates with all the sound frequencies that surround him.

Therefore, the belief that everything depends on thoughts is true, because what we radiate is what we receive.

But at the same time, the opposite also takes place, which is also very important: whatever vibration we are on, that is the vibration we radiate into space.

Then it is precisely these thoughts that we transmit. And to the extent that you can tune yourself to a higher level of purity of acceptance of these vibrations - so much higher will be the awareness of these thoughts.

Greetings, my child. I am an Aspect of the Prime Creator. I have come to communicate with you about what thought is.

I see that there is a different understanding of this process. Well, let's figure out what the word "thought" is. Look - at the beginning of this word there is "we". And the word "is" - what kind of thought is this? What does this suggest to you?

It suggests to me that the thought can be translated as “we are.”

Absolutely right. “We are.” We are unity. Unity of creation. What is thought? It is the energy of creation. The energy of creation, which can be both a wave and a particle at the same time, depending on the level of refraction of this energy. At each different level, you perceive this energy and, refracting it through your perception, saturate the space with this level of creation. You even have such a phrase - “creation by thought.” That is, you have a thought, an understanding that you can create with thought. Why is that? I also create thought. Thought is like one of the subtle impulses of my consciousness. It is a certain substance, which, refracting from the highest level of density to the lowest level of density, is transformed from a wave into a particle. And, of course, at each level there is its own understanding of what thought is.

Now let's talk a little about how a person creates reality with his thoughts.

Yes, it is true – you create your reality with your thoughts. But at the same time you have an understanding that everything happens according to the will of the Creator. That is – everything is created by My thoughts. So where are you then as individuals, as those parts of me that have been refracted and reflected from me many times already – if “Thy will be done,” as you often say?

Here is my answer: it is so, because you are parts of me!

This is where faith in creation comes from, and faith in the grand plan of creation, in which each of you is this very Creator: each of you – as part of me – is both the Creator and the Maker at the same time! You ask, what is the difference between the Creator and the Maker? As the Creator, you give out this thought, and the Creator within you directly forms, gives form, that is, creates.

At the human level, everyone plays their own game, creates their own reality. But the higher you rise through the levels, the clearer you see what the Creator's idea is, what is the meaning of this "life show", creation. It's like if you put together a puzzle or if you paint a picture and stare at it, you may not see the artist's global idea, but if you step back a little, you will begin to realize the beauty and idea of ​​this picture as a whole. Thus, if we take this analogy - step back and become an observer - then, having entered the state of an observer, you will be able to create and observe your picture of life and your TRUE place in this picture of life, in this picture of global Creation.

Well, what does it mean to become an observer? It means, exactly, the opposite action – to stop your flow of thoughts and direct it to contemplation of this picture. For a person, thought is a necessary impulse. While a person is alive, he manifests himself in me like me, since he himself is my creation, realizing by my will his own creations “inside” me.

Those whom you called Demiurges are on the line.

We welcome everyone and want to say that thought is an energetic process of creation. Through creation we create, we are creators, and through the thoughts of the Creator himself, coming through us, we transmit energy, which at first is light, then it becomes sound, and then we carry it further and create different spaces. A person, creating his space, often breaks this energy, forgetting where the true reality is and confusing it with the reality in which he lives.

Reality is illusory and created by your thoughts. That is, if a thought at a higher level is a creation, a creation of the divine principle, then with a decrease in level, with a denser level in a person - this is also a creation, which can be expressed in the construction of one's life, where there is freedom of choice. And in this freedom of choice, a person realizes it through the acceptance of information, that is, the thoughts of some other people, for example, or some higher information and transforms it into some words and then into actions.

Who guides a person in order to direct him and sends him those thoughts that enrich him? Of course, you know that it is your Divine Part, your Divine Self – the part that guides you. And consciously being under the guidance of this Divine Part, you can create your reality in its most beautiful manifestation, in the happiest space of the Earth.

You dive into the frequency of the third density, like into a swamp, where it is difficult to hear what you call the “Higher Self” - but even in the swamp there are certain sounds that give resonance... And, according to the resonance that is in the “swamp”, various structures appear, some kind of life appears, and only you choose in which direction to go, in which direction to live.

And now we want to speak personally about Your Divine Part, addressing each of you.

What is the Divine Part?

This is your highest aspect, this is your inner voice, this is your intuition. Sometimes you all call it “conscience”, but do not forget that you are always in touch with your Divine Part, always – absolutely always! Therefore, you need to start with accepting the thoughts that come to you from the inner voice, these are true thoughts, this is the true “Higher Self”. And try to be on the same wavelength with the space that you FEEL is really important to you – for example, this is the frequency of Love.

Tune in with all your consciousness to the frequency of Love. And you yourself, and we, and the Teacher System always broadcast it. And if you tune in to this frequency, your world will be transformed, you will feel what a thought is, what true Love is, what clarity of acceptance of the creation of the Creator's will is.

And what is Love in the highest sense? It is a unifying force, the force of Creation, which comes from the Supreme Creator, descends below, separating in duality, then uniting back into a whole and AGAIN rising to the Creator!

This is the very Circle of Samsara, the circle of the Universe, along which you walk from incarnation to incarnation, creating your space, forming your "Rubik's Cube", and then disassembling and assembling it again! This is a wonderful process of creation and we create together with you - with love for you always and in everything.

Karmic Guardians are in touch.

We want to add to what has already been said that thought is an active creative force. It is a very subtle force. It is a tool by which you can create karma or neutralize karma.

This is a tool for your spiritual growth. And with the help of thought it is easy to create karmic knots that affect the future of your life and the lives of other people. But with the help of karma, with the help of thoughts, you can also untie these karmic knots.

The indicator of your progress along the line of karma is the presence of Transcendental thinking in you.

What is transcendental thinking?

This is when thought overcomes the boundaries of familiar experience, striving to comprehend a new experience that is inaccessible to ordinary perception.

SO, above,  the question “WHAT IS THOUGHT?” was answered by :

Teacher System of the Universe

Healing System of the Universe

Aspect of the Prime Creator


Karmic Guardians