понедельник, 23 декабря 2024 г.

Alcyone - #127. JESUS. Christmas Message to Humanity 22.12.2024 - EN


Alcyone - #127. JESUS. Christmas Message to Humanity 22.12.2024 - 

rus-eng parallel text.mp3

 Greetings to you, my dear Soul!

I would like to convey congratulations from myself and from all those Light Spirits who are your Teachers, Mentors, Curators, as well as from other spiritual planes that watch over humanity. On their behalf and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate all of you who are now living on planet Earth on your holiday – the holiday of Hope, Faith and Love – Happy New Year! This is a holiday of faith in new energies, in those changes that, from the point of view of each person, will be for the good. Although, of course, I smile – because all the changes that occur in a person’s life are ultimately made only for the good. It’s just that sometimes, as we know, a person cannot track this at the moment of making changes.

The coming year will be filled with new energies – energies of a more active transition, advancement in the development of each soul that is now living earthly life. This will concern not only your health, but also social and economic changes, but at the same time it will be very individual for each of you – so much so that sometimes it will seem to you as if you are alone, it will seem that your teachers, mentors have abandoned you, that life is difficult, and it is already unbearable to live like this… Yes, even such thoughts can appear. My dears! I want to assure you: the main thing to do in this situation is to rejoice in these changes! What is really happening? You all know that a frequency Transition is taking place now, and these changes affect every living being, every consciousness. Your True “I” has awakened – even if it is still not conscious. But the planet is changing, raising its vibration, evolving spiritually, changing its frequency – and if you do not match this frequency and do not want to match it, to live in unison with the planet, if it is difficult for you to be on it – then you will have many opportunities to leave it…

I wish you to develop your spirituality, understanding how difficult it is for you to be incarnated now. But, as you remember, I also had times when I had strong doubts – every person goes through this incarnation, regardless of their spiritual level, even the highest. Doubt is a part of a person’s personality, and your task, like mine at that time, is to be able to separate your personality from your Essence and learn to control this personality through spiritual practices, meditations, through reading revelations and holy texts, through faith in yourself and finding your true self in the New World – the world you are building. These are the first steps to the heavenly Jerusalem, which still needs to be built, and we will do it together. And do not worry if it seems to you that you are doing something wrong. Trust your Spirit. It will lead you along the right path. Do not doubt your path and do not look back, so as not to become a “universal pillar”! Instead, enjoy the changes that will happen in your life in the coming year. And I wish you to live a harmonious life, to learn harmony in this difficult new year. However, harmony is based on internal balance.

What is balance? It is not simply having an equal amount of spirit or matter. It is rather a unification  of your spiritual and material nature. And if one of these spheres is not in balance, it certainly affects everything else. Balance is not in a static state – it is always in a changing state. That is why this state you are striving for is so difficult to grasp. But there are some moments – key moments to engage in this balance, to “catch it”.

This is, for example, taking personal responsibility for the choices you personally  make.

This is structuring your life in all the things that are important to you, concentrating your attention. Of course, all this does not necessarily mean that you will then begin to live in a state of complete happiness all the time - even if you are in the sensations of a balanced life. There will always be trials. This is part of your path on Earth, but it is also part of the path in Heaven. And you need to accept them and even look forward to the trials! Believe me - in the Spiritual World they are also there, and we accept them with gratitude. We welcome what prompts us to increase our awareness.

As you expand your consciousness, you will become more and more aware of yourself and everything around you as one part of your one life. And your ego may think that life is getting harder at times, just when you are becoming wiser. But in reality, you are simply beginning to notice details of some of your life situations that you were not aware of before. So, when you are balanced, choose to accept responsibility  for your presence on Earth. And of course, stop constantly resisting change and challenges. As you grow in your awareness, which is very important for achieving your soul purpose, you will learn to use time effectively and find it for your creativity. Living in balance on Earth is achieved by learning how to become free from the constant demands of your third-dimensional space, from the lack of time, when time disappears somewhere and you do not notice it. And you must accept your challenges, not run from them, not ignore them, not simplify them, and certainly not rationalize them.

When you accept your life with your whole being 100%, you will automatically open your windows of opportunity, and a new breath of spiritual energy will not keep you waiting! And this energy will bless you with joy and peace - when you are inspired by your life and determined to fulfill your intention. Then you will not only desire more and more, but you will also want to take more and more responsibility for your personal choices . Therefore, it is very important that the priorities of your life are in accordance with your values ​​​​and principles. And if your life is out of balance, then some part of you is ignored or denied. And when you accept everything - everything that you are, including your body, your social affairs, economic affairs and everything else - you gradually stop opposing content and form.  Therefore, to be in balance means to be on Earth  and, at the same time, to live on Earth  - and, at the same time, to allow the Spirit to guide you !

When you meet a challenge head-on and deal with it in your own way, it automatically allows Spirit to create within you the ability to record your successes. At the same time, you need to maintain a certain balance. On the one hand, do not associate yourself with limitations or hard work. On the other hand, when you have fleeting pleasures and moments of triumph, try to continue to realize within that the Spiritual World in its sublime manifestations is something immeasurably greater and better.

A balanced life means that you make time for both Spirit and Matter. It means living in the reality of two worlds at once. And when you change your perception of the Earth and stop comparing or contrasting the “lesser” worlds with the “higher” worlds, more energy is released to influence your life even more! Then you begin to spread endless joy – the joy of Creation of Being. Allow yourself to feel the full experience of living on planet Earth. Laugh, cry, enjoy!

Do what you want and what you feel as your desire. Learn to understand YOURSELF.  And if it is difficult for you to realize what you feel as your desire, learn to UNDERSTAND  yourself.

Always remember that I and other Teachers are always with you, guiding you and will continue to guide you in the coming new year!